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Auteur José M. LóPEZ PINERO
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Historical origins of the concept of neurosis / José M. LóPEZ PINERO
Titre : Historical origins of the concept of neurosis Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : José M. LóPEZ PINERO Année de publication : 2009 Importance : 109 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-521-11471-4 Langues : Anglais Catégories : histoire
Histoire de la psychanalyse
NévroseMots-clés : Histoire de la psychanalyse Histoire Névrose Résumé : Contents Introduction ix The concept of neurosis l The starting point: the views of Willis and Sydenham on 'Hysterical and hypochondriacal distempers' 2 The consolidation of the concept of ' nervous disease' 5 The concept of neurosis in Cullen 11 The concept of neurosis from Cullen to the beginning of the anatomoclinical period 16 The concept of neurosis in German romantic medicine 25 Absence of the concept of neurosis in the work of the followers of 1 Naturphilosophie' 2 5 The concept of 'nervous disease' in Reil 26 The concept of neurosis in the work of Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland and of other eclectic authors 30 The concept of neurosis during the transition between romantic and anatomoclinical medicine: Johann Lucas Schonlein and his school 35 The concept of neurosis in anatomoclinical medicine before Charcot 44 Pinel's work as the starting point of the anatomoclinical view of the neuroses 44 The concept of neurosis during the first anatomoclinical period. Georget's revision 49 The anatomoclinical concept of neurosis from Georget to Charcot: ' functional localization' 5 3 The physiopathological view and the concept of neurosis 59 Broussais's 'Medecine physiologique' 60 The disappearance of the term 'neurosis' from British medicine 63 The concept of ' spinal irritation' 64 The 'reflex functional nervous diseases' 68 From 'intermediate neuroses' to neurasthenia 72 The so-called 'vasomotor and trophic neuroses' 75 Endnotes 77 References 87 Index 105 Index acrocyanosis, 75 Adair on Whytt, 10 anatomoclinical medicine, neurosis and, 44-58 Anima, nervous system and, 12 'anima sensitiva' (Willis), 3 animal spirits, 8 ataxia, 3 apoplexy, Georget definition, 52 asthenia (Brown), 19 ataxias (Richerand), 48, 49 'atrabilis' (black bile), 4 Basedow's disease, 75 Bell, Charles, 64 biologism, 'holistic', 75 Boerhaave's Cartesianism, 5 British medicine, disappearance of 'neurosis', 63 Broussais, medicine physiologique, 59-62 Brown-Sequard, reflex theory and, 71 Brownism, 18-19 Canstatt, anatomoclinical views, 41-2 catalepsy, 58 Charcot, and neurasthenia, 74 chyle, formation disorders, 6 Circulation of the blood (Willis), 2 clinical observation and nosology (Sydenham), 3 constitutional irritation (Travers), 64 De anima brutorum (Willis), 3 de Mandeville, Bernard, 6 digestion, 'imperfect', 6 disease 'parasitical' view (Stark), 39 sin and (Ringseis), 25 diseases, classification (Cullen), 13 distempers, hysterical and hypochondriacal, 2 dyspnoeas, 17 Eclectic school, neurosis concept, 30-5 endometritis, hysteria and (Georget), 50 English spleen (Blackmore), 9 Enz, and spinal irritation, 67 epilepsy (Canstatt), 42 erythromelalgia, 75 esthenia (Brown), 19 fever, intermittent, as spinal irritation (Griffin), 66 fevers, Reil's views, 2 7-9 Frank, J. P., public hygiene and, 22 functional localization (Foville), 53-4 Briquet criticism, 58 'functionem laesiones' (Platter), 1 Galenic medicine, 'modern views' and, 1 Georget concept of neurosis revision, 49-53 views on anatomoclinical school, 51 German romantic medicine see Naturphilosophie German views, 19 Gottingen school, 20 gout, in Richerand's work, 49 grande nevrose (Charcot), 58 'great systematizers', 5 health and disease, Schonlein definitions, 36 Highmore, views on hysteria and hypochondria, 2 Hufeland, neurosis concept, 30-5 Hunter, John, 59, 63 hydrocephalus, 9 hyperaemia, spinal (Darwal), 66, 67 hypochondria (Willis), 2 disease of imagination (MacBride), 18 Dutch views, 5 Hysteria (Rosenthal), 55, 56 (Willis), 2 Hysteria (cont.) frequency (Sydenham), 3 'maladie generate' (Briquet), 58 uterine theory, 50, 57, 58 iatromechanics, 5 irritation, inflammation and (Williams & Crawford), 65 Jaccoud neuroses classification, 56-7 and reflex theory, 70 Karst, influence on Sachs, 32 Lepois (Carulus Piso), attack on Galenic medicine, 4 liver, diseases, hypochondria and (Georget), 50 Lorry, 'nervous melancholia' definition, 6 MacBride, disease classification, 16-18 Man Cartesian view of, 2 morbid type (Sydenham), 3 melancholia classification (Schacht), 5 'sine materia', 6 migraine, vasomotor (Du Bois-Reymond), 75 mood disorders, 17 morbi nervosi, Selle definition, 21 more botanico taxonomy, 13 Naturphilosophie, 19 neurosis concept absence, 25-6 Nervenkrankheiten, Reil classification, 29-30 Nervose Constitution, 32 nervous disease (Cheyne & Whytt), 8 Hasse's division, 42 reflex functional, 64, 68-71 nervous disease concept, consolidation, 5-11 nervous irritation (Roche), 62-3 nervous sympathy (Broussais), 61 'nervousness' (Bouchut), 74 neuralgias, generalized (Darwal), 65-6 neuralpathology, 12 neurasthenia intermediate neuroses and, 72-5 spinal, 73 neuropathia (Flemyng), 8 neuroses as disease class, 16 as 'passiones' (Daniel), 23 as physiological alterations (Schonlein), 38 concept (Cullen), 1-24 Cullen classification, 14 Cullen definition, 15 Georget definition, 52-3 intermediate, neurasthenia and, 72-5 psychical, 38 somatic, 38 vasomotor and trophic, 75, 76 nosology, inductive, 4, 29 'nosos' (Daniel), 22 oedema, angioneurotic, 75 oophoritis, hysteria and (Georget), 50 paralysis (lahmung), 28 19th-century surgery for, 69-70 as reflex condition (Stanley), 69 paraneurismi, 16 paraplegia, urinary, 70-1 'pathos' (Daniel), 22 peripheral nerves, inflammation, 71 phlegmasia encephalica, 52 Pinel anatomoclinical view of neurosis, 44-9 structural lesion exclusion, 46 Platter, and term 'neurosis', 1 Ploucquet, disease classification, 23-4 Pomme, 'vapours', 7 psychoneurosis, 76 Purcell, John, 6 Reil, nervous disease concept, 26-30 Richerand, neuroses classification, 48 Ridley, 'vapours', 7 Romberg and reflex theory, 70 Sachs, disease classification, 32-3 Schonlein school historiconatural group, 40 neurosis concept, 35-43 Selle, 'causa formalis' and 'causa materialis', 20 sleepwaking, 58 Sobernheim, neuroses definitions, 40-1 spinal cord neurosis (Rosenthal), 55 reflex function and, 9, 68 'spinal irritation' (Rosenthal), 55 spinal irritation concept, 64?8 Stahl, nosological views, 6 stomach, diseases, hypochondria and 'vapours', 7 (Georget), 50 Vienna school, Cullen's influence, 21 Swieten, G. van, and 'alte Weiner vis nervosa, 12 Schule', 5 vitalism Sydenham and nervous disease, 1 Cullen version, 12 sympathy, nervous diseases and, 10 influence on Hufeland, 31 synocha, 28 Von Grossi, disease classification, 33-4 tetanus (Canstatt), 42 Whytt Tissot on Sydenham, 1 influence, 10 typhus, 28 utilization of term 'neurosis', 8 Willis and nervous disease, 1 unitary regulator, dysfunction, 4 Historical origins of the concept of neurosis [texte imprimé] / José M. LóPEZ PINERO . - 2009 . - 109.
ISBN : 978-0-521-11471-4
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : histoire
Histoire de la psychanalyse
NévroseMots-clés : Histoire de la psychanalyse Histoire Névrose Résumé : Contents Introduction ix The concept of neurosis l The starting point: the views of Willis and Sydenham on 'Hysterical and hypochondriacal distempers' 2 The consolidation of the concept of ' nervous disease' 5 The concept of neurosis in Cullen 11 The concept of neurosis from Cullen to the beginning of the anatomoclinical period 16 The concept of neurosis in German romantic medicine 25 Absence of the concept of neurosis in the work of the followers of 1 Naturphilosophie' 2 5 The concept of 'nervous disease' in Reil 26 The concept of neurosis in the work of Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland and of other eclectic authors 30 The concept of neurosis during the transition between romantic and anatomoclinical medicine: Johann Lucas Schonlein and his school 35 The concept of neurosis in anatomoclinical medicine before Charcot 44 Pinel's work as the starting point of the anatomoclinical view of the neuroses 44 The concept of neurosis during the first anatomoclinical period. Georget's revision 49 The anatomoclinical concept of neurosis from Georget to Charcot: ' functional localization' 5 3 The physiopathological view and the concept of neurosis 59 Broussais's 'Medecine physiologique' 60 The disappearance of the term 'neurosis' from British medicine 63 The concept of ' spinal irritation' 64 The 'reflex functional nervous diseases' 68 From 'intermediate neuroses' to neurasthenia 72 The so-called 'vasomotor and trophic neuroses' 75 Endnotes 77 References 87 Index 105 Index acrocyanosis, 75 Adair on Whytt, 10 anatomoclinical medicine, neurosis and, 44-58 Anima, nervous system and, 12 'anima sensitiva' (Willis), 3 animal spirits, 8 ataxia, 3 apoplexy, Georget definition, 52 asthenia (Brown), 19 ataxias (Richerand), 48, 49 'atrabilis' (black bile), 4 Basedow's disease, 75 Bell, Charles, 64 biologism, 'holistic', 75 Boerhaave's Cartesianism, 5 British medicine, disappearance of 'neurosis', 63 Broussais, medicine physiologique, 59-62 Brown-Sequard, reflex theory and, 71 Brownism, 18-19 Canstatt, anatomoclinical views, 41-2 catalepsy, 58 Charcot, and neurasthenia, 74 chyle, formation disorders, 6 Circulation of the blood (Willis), 2 clinical observation and nosology (Sydenham), 3 constitutional irritation (Travers), 64 De anima brutorum (Willis), 3 de Mandeville, Bernard, 6 digestion, 'imperfect', 6 disease 'parasitical' view (Stark), 39 sin and (Ringseis), 25 diseases, classification (Cullen), 13 distempers, hysterical and hypochondriacal, 2 dyspnoeas, 17 Eclectic school, neurosis concept, 30-5 endometritis, hysteria and (Georget), 50 English spleen (Blackmore), 9 Enz, and spinal irritation, 67 epilepsy (Canstatt), 42 erythromelalgia, 75 esthenia (Brown), 19 fever, intermittent, as spinal irritation (Griffin), 66 fevers, Reil's views, 2 7-9 Frank, J. P., public hygiene and, 22 functional localization (Foville), 53-4 Briquet criticism, 58 'functionem laesiones' (Platter), 1 Galenic medicine, 'modern views' and, 1 Georget concept of neurosis revision, 49-53 views on anatomoclinical school, 51 German romantic medicine see Naturphilosophie German views, 19 Gottingen school, 20 gout, in Richerand's work, 49 grande nevrose (Charcot), 58 'great systematizers', 5 health and disease, Schonlein definitions, 36 Highmore, views on hysteria and hypochondria, 2 Hufeland, neurosis concept, 30-5 Hunter, John, 59, 63 hydrocephalus, 9 hyperaemia, spinal (Darwal), 66, 67 hypochondria (Willis), 2 disease of imagination (MacBride), 18 Dutch views, 5 Hysteria (Rosenthal), 55, 56 (Willis), 2 Hysteria (cont.) frequency (Sydenham), 3 'maladie generate' (Briquet), 58 uterine theory, 50, 57, 58 iatromechanics, 5 irritation, inflammation and (Williams & Crawford), 65 Jaccoud neuroses classification, 56-7 and reflex theory, 70 Karst, influence on Sachs, 32 Lepois (Carulus Piso), attack on Galenic medicine, 4 liver, diseases, hypochondria and (Georget), 50 Lorry, 'nervous melancholia' definition, 6 MacBride, disease classification, 16-18 Man Cartesian view of, 2 morbid type (Sydenham), 3 melancholia classification (Schacht), 5 'sine materia', 6 migraine, vasomotor (Du Bois-Reymond), 75 mood disorders, 17 morbi nervosi, Selle definition, 21 more botanico taxonomy, 13 Naturphilosophie, 19 neurosis concept absence, 25-6 Nervenkrankheiten, Reil classification, 29-30 Nervose Constitution, 32 nervous disease (Cheyne & Whytt), 8 Hasse's division, 42 reflex functional, 64, 68-71 nervous disease concept, consolidation, 5-11 nervous irritation (Roche), 62-3 nervous sympathy (Broussais), 61 'nervousness' (Bouchut), 74 neuralgias, generalized (Darwal), 65-6 neuralpathology, 12 neurasthenia intermediate neuroses and, 72-5 spinal, 73 neuropathia (Flemyng), 8 neuroses as disease class, 16 as 'passiones' (Daniel), 23 as physiological alterations (Schonlein), 38 concept (Cullen), 1-24 Cullen classification, 14 Cullen definition, 15 Georget definition, 52-3 intermediate, neurasthenia and, 72-5 psychical, 38 somatic, 38 vasomotor and trophic, 75, 76 nosology, inductive, 4, 29 'nosos' (Daniel), 22 oedema, angioneurotic, 75 oophoritis, hysteria and (Georget), 50 paralysis (lahmung), 28 19th-century surgery for, 69-70 as reflex condition (Stanley), 69 paraneurismi, 16 paraplegia, urinary, 70-1 'pathos' (Daniel), 22 peripheral nerves, inflammation, 71 phlegmasia encephalica, 52 Pinel anatomoclinical view of neurosis, 44-9 structural lesion exclusion, 46 Platter, and term 'neurosis', 1 Ploucquet, disease classification, 23-4 Pomme, 'vapours', 7 psychoneurosis, 76 Purcell, John, 6 Reil, nervous disease concept, 26-30 Richerand, neuroses classification, 48 Ridley, 'vapours', 7 Romberg and reflex theory, 70 Sachs, disease classification, 32-3 Schonlein school historiconatural group, 40 neurosis concept, 35-43 Selle, 'causa formalis' and 'causa materialis', 20 sleepwaking, 58 Sobernheim, neuroses definitions, 40-1 spinal cord neurosis (Rosenthal), 55 reflex function and, 9, 68 'spinal irritation' (Rosenthal), 55 spinal irritation concept, 64?8 Stahl, nosological views, 6 stomach, diseases, hypochondria and 'vapours', 7 (Georget), 50 Vienna school, Cullen's influence, 21 Swieten, G. van, and 'alte Weiner vis nervosa, 12 Schule', 5 vitalism Sydenham and nervous disease, 1 Cullen version, 12 sympathy, nervous diseases and, 10 influence on Hufeland, 31 synocha, 28 Von Grossi, disease classification, 33-4 tetanus (Canstatt), 42 Whytt Tissot on Sydenham, 1 influence, 10 typhus, 28 utilization of term 'neurosis', 8 Willis and nervous disease, 1 unitary regulator, dysfunction, 4 Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 5934 L-LOPE Livres Le Fil d'Ariane Livre Disponible Historical origins of the concept of neurosis / José M. LóPEZ PINERO
Titre : Historical origins of the concept of neurosis Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : José M. LóPEZ PINERO, Auteur Langues : Français Historical origins of the concept of neurosis [texte imprimé] / José M. LóPEZ PINERO, Auteur . - [s.d.].
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